Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Sovereign Mythic

Recently I've been bouncing between decks alot. Every week I play a different deck, whether it be a crazy homebrew list like my Grixis Machine Head deck or my Gearbox Control deck, or a simple net deck like Boss Naya or UW Tap Out. Though switching decks has kept my interests fresh and has been alot of fun, my results haven't been as good as I've wanted. I always make Top 8, but I usually end up losing in the first round because of my lack of knowledge of the deck. A week just isnt enough time to fully learn how to play a good deck and how to sideboard correctly. To fix this problem I've decided to build one deck and learn it in and out and continue to play the deck each week at FNM and in any Standard tournaments. My deck of choice was Mythic. But not just regular Mythic, Sovereign Mythic. Here is my current list:

A few side notes about the deck and card choices:
-2 Dauntless Escort MB: DoJ ruins this decks day. Escort helps protect your little guys and even the final BIG guy.

-1 Finest Hour: I personally like this card as a 1 of. It can occasionally win games and makes even a Birds of Paradise a viable threat.

-1 Baneslayer Angel/Thornling & Sphinx Package: I currently only own 1 Baneslayer, so the Thornlings and Sphinxes make up for the absence.

-3 Birds/Hierarch: Just like Baneslayer Angel, I dont own the 4th of each card. I also dont really think the deck needs all 8 "mana dorks".

SB Info:
-3 Negate: Negate is insane in so many matchups, especially vs UW and the new UWr Control decks.

-3 Bant Charm: Bant Charm is my personal replacement for Pridemage. Pridemage would be used to deal with Basilisk Collar and other pesky Artifacts. Bant Charm does that and also doubles as removal and an additional counterspell against UW and UWr

-3 Oblivion Ring: More removal. Deals with every (nonland) permanent. 'Nuff said.

-2 Celestial Purge: Helps versus the Mono Red matchup and against Jund.

-1 Rhox War Monk: Not sure what else to put in this slot. I figured the 4th War Monk would come in against Mono White and Mono Red decks that cant deal with the combination of Lifelink and 4 toughness.

-3 Kor Firewalker: For the Mono Red and Jund Matchup. 'Nuff said.

Sovereign Mythic lists have already won multiple PTQ's so the deck is definitely solid. Let's hope the deck works at FNM this week and at the WPN Qualifier this Saturday!

Feel free to comment on the deck.

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